====== Some common tasks in Windows PowerShell ====== * suppress output of Cmdlets (e.g. ''new-item''): pipe to ''out-null'' * suppress error output of binaries: ''svn log 2> $null'' * suppress error messages (even those that won't go away with ''-ea 0''): ''$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"'' * check if an error occured (e.g. after cmdlet with suppressed output): ''if (!$?)'' * ''copy-item'' throws an ''UnauthorizedAccessException'': use parameter ''-force'' * RegEx: $m = [regex]::matches("test", "([a-z]+)"); if ($m[0].Success) { $str = $m[0].Groups[1].ToString(); } * get name and path of the currently running script: $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name; $scriptPath = split-path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path;