


**Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!**

  author    = {Wolf-Gideon Bleek AND Henning Wolf},
  title     = {Agile Softwareentwicklung},
  publisher = {dpunkt},
  year      = {2008},
  address   = {Heidelberg},
  edition   = {1.},
  isbn      = {978-3-89864-473-0},
  author  = {Ralf Westphal AND Renate Klein},
  title   = {Software braucht "Soft Skills"},
  journal = {OBJEKTspektrum},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {Karrierespecial},
  pages   = {18-21},
  title      = {Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code},
  author     = {Pete Goodliffe},
  publisher  = {No Starch Press},
  year       = {2007},
  isbn       = {1-59327-119-0},
  url        = {},
  price      = {$44.95},
  totalpages = {624},
  timestamp  = {2008.12.20},
  author  = {Volker Gruhn AND Clemens Schäfer},
  title   = {No-Frills-Prinzipien als Essenz des Software-Engineering für Informationssysteme},
  journal = {OBJEKTspektrum},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {6},
  pages   = {34-41},
  author  = {Jens Coldewey},
  title   = {Software-Engineering aus agiler Sicht},
  journal = {OBJEKTspektrum},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {6},
  pages   = {42-45},
  author  = {Alistair Cockburn},
  title   = {Effektive Softwareentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert: Das neue Gesicht des Software-Engineering},
  journal = {OBJEKTspektrum},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {6},
  pages   = {48-53},
  author  = {Stefan Klein AND Christian Oberleitner},
  title   = {Parallele Multi-Team-Entwicklung mit Scrum: ein Erfahrungsbericht},
  journal = {OBJEKTspektrum},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {6},
  pages   = {66-72},
  author    = {Karl Seguin},
  title     = {Foundations of Programming},
  publisher = {},
  year      = {2008},
  address   = {Ottawa},
  edition   = {1.},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Francois Lelord},
  title     = {Hektors Reise oder die Suche nach dem Glück},
  publisher = {Piper},
  year      = {2006},
  address   = {München},
  edition   = {19.},
  isbn      = {9-783492-24828-0},
  title = {Test-Driven Development: by Example},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = {2003},
  author = {Kent Beck},
  isbn = {0-32114-653-0},
  address = {Boston},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-06-16},
  url = {}
  title = {ScrumBut},
  author = {Ken Schwaber},
  year = {2009},
  month = {Mai},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-06},
  lastchecked = {06.12.2009},
  url = {},
  abstract = {Ken Schwaber spricht über die Ausreden, die viele Unternehmen anbringen, wenn sie erklären, dass sie Scrum zwar einsetzen, aber einige Dinge angepasst haben. Dies liegt meist daran, dass Scrum unangenehme Probleme im Unternehmen aufdeckt, die lieber totgeschwiegen werden, anstatt sie anzugehen und zu beheben.}
  title = {Information Overload and Managing the Flow},
  author = {Scott Hanselman},
  year = {2009},
  month = {November},
  howpublished = {Videoaufzeichnung eines Vortrags auf der Øredev 2009},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-06},
  url = {},
  lastchecked = {06.12.2009},
  abstract = {As developers, we are asked to absorb even more information than ever before. More APIs, more documentation, more patterns, more layers of abstraction. Now Twitter and Facebook compete with Email and Texts for our attention, keeping us up-to-date on our friends dietary details and movie attendance second-by-second. Does all this information take a toll on your psyche or sharpen the saw? Is it a matter of finding the right tools to capture what you need, or do you just need to unplug. 
Vortrag über GTD und andere Zeitmanagementtechniken. Scott erzählt, wie er selbst mit der Informationsflut umgeht. Er erzählt, dass TiVo für ihn inzwischen Stress bedeutet ("Ich muss noch 6 Folgen von Lost schauen, wie schaffe ich das bloß?"), anstatt Unterhaltung.
28m Fragen nicht per Mail beantworten, sondern im Internet posten (dadurch baut man eine Informationsdatenbank auf), "und dann google ich das (mit Bing)" ;-)
30m Pomodoro-Technique oder Personal Scrum: Küchentimer auf 20min stellen und für diesen Zeitraum konzentriert arbeiten ("Sprint"), danach 5min Pause usw.
Tipps zur besseren Zeitnutzung: 
* Podcasts beim Workout, Lesen beim Zugfahren, Wartezeiten sinnvoll nutzen (MP3s hören, Artikel lesen)
* realistische Ziele setzen (nicht 5 Bücher die Woche lesen wollen)
* man kann nicht in allen Bereichen up to date sein (Technologie, Popkultur, Fitness, Zeitgeschehen)
* Informationsaggregatoren nutzen und nicht mehrere News-Sites lesen, sondern nur eine
* wenn man etwas neues lernen will, sollte man zuerst einen Experten auf dem Gebiet fragen, bevor man alles selbst lernt (dadurch kann man die wichtigsten Bereiche identifizieren und Unwichtiges weglassen)
* einige Tools werden vorgestellt: Evernote, Remember the milk, HipsterPDA}
  title = {Vorsicht Bildschirm},
  author = {Manfred Spitzer},
  year = {2008},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-06},
  lastchecked = {06.12.2009},
  url = {},
  howpublished = {Videoaufzeichnung eines Vortrags},
  abstract = {Warum ist der Konsum von Bildschirmmedien für Kinder schädlich und wie wirkt er sich aus? Kernaussage: Kleinkinder bis 3 Jahre sollten überhaupt kein Fernsehen schauen, ältere Kinder wenn überhaupt nur wenig. Ein zusätzliches Problem sind Gewaltinhalte.}
  title = {7 Habits For Effective Text Editing 2.0},
  author = {Bram Moolenaar},
  year = {2007},
  month = {Februar},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-06},
  lastchecked = {06.12.2009},
  url = {},
  howpublished = {Videoaufzeichnung eines Google TechTalks},
  abstract = {Effektiver Texte bearbeiten (mit Vim): 1) Schwachstellen aufdecken (was mache ich häufig, aber umständlich oder langsam?), 2) einen schnelleren Weg finden und 3) diesen zur Gewohnheit machen}
  title = {Wie geht's weiter?},
  author = {Gerrit van Aaken},
  year = {2009},
  month = {Mai},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-06},
  lastchecked = {06.12.2009},
  url = {},
  howpublished = {Videoaufzeichnung eines Vortrags an der FH Mainz},
  abstract = {Gerrit erzählt über seinen Weg in die Selbstständigkeit als Webdesigner und wie ihm seine Website dabei geholfen hat.}
  title = {Why Programmers Suck},
  author = {Max Kanat-Alexander},
  year = {2009},
  month = {Dezember},
  owner = {Stefan},
  timestamp = {2009-12-08},
  lastchecked = {08.12.2009},
  url = {},
  abstract = {The vast majority (90% or more) of programmers have absolutely no idea what they are doing.
People are not stupid simply for not knowing something. There's a lot of stuff that everybody doesn't know. That doesn’t make them stupid. That may make them ignorant about certain things, but it doesn't make them stupid. No, stupidity, real stupidity, is not knowing that you don't know. Stupid people think they know something when they don't, or they have no idea that there is something more to know.
* Do you know as much as possible about every single word and symbol on every page of code you’re writing?
* Did you read and completely understand the documentation of every single function you’re using?
* Do you have an excellent grasp of the fundamental principles of software development–such a good grasp that you could explain them flawlessly to novice programmers at your organization?
* Do you understand how each component of the computer functions, and how they all work together?
* Do you understand the history of computers, and where they’re going in the future, so that you can understand how your code will function on the computers that will be built in the future?
* Do you know the history of programming languages, so that you can understand how the language you’re using evolved and why it works like it does?
* Do you understand other programming languages, other methods of programming, and other types of computers than the one you’re using, so that you know what the actual best tool for each job is?}
bib/quellen.1272876150.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014-04-05 11:42 (Externe Bearbeitung)